Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Slowly going Green...?

Is Canada really the most beautiful country on the planet?

I have always thought so. I am not denying the incredible beauty to be found in other places all over the world; but in terms of diversity, abundance of everything and anything you could possibly imagine, combined with the freedom and room to enjoy it all, no other place on Earth even comes close! So what are the "friendly" people of this paradise doing to protect their heritage and nurture this paradise for future generations? Well they have FINALLY elected a single, solitary, hero of a woman to represent the interests of any and all concerned with maintaining this environment and in fact improving upon it going forward. Her name is Elizabeth May and although I supported her campaign and am almost beside myself with shocked JOY that she won her parties first (and only!) seat in parliament I have never met her, spoken to her or even attended one of her events. I have been at home encouraging others to do so. Inviting them to rallies, encouraging them to vote and going on and on incessantly about the great need we have to protect our environment. It must have helped a tiny bit because people did attend and more importantly they voted! She won! Now it remains to be seen if this solitary voice can be the seed that grows in to a legitimate alternative party to vote for that will grow with time and put the interests of Mother Nature (and let's face it our future), BEFORE the interests of big business and the money-hungry people that value the immediate short-term gain of profit over even the survival of the very world they live in.

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